ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

ASPET SURF mentor John Streicher (right) in the laboratory with students Caleb Kim (left) and Carrie Stine (center)
Each summer, five UBRP students are selected to receive an American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics’ Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (ASPET SURF). These students conduct research in the areas of pharmacology, drug discovery, and drug development with faculty mentors who are members of ASPET, and are partially funded by ASPET. ASPET SURF students participate in all UBRP activities, but additionally enjoy free student membership in ASPET for the current calendar year (which entitles them to apply for travel funds to present at ASPET meetings as well as other benefits) as well a summer networking lunch to meet fellow ASPET students and mentors.
Interested students must apply to UBRP, and within the "Research Experiences & Interests" section, mark "yes" to an interest in pharmacology. If selected to UBRP, students must then be accepted in a research placement with an ASPET mentor for the summer to be considered for the ASPET SURF fellowship.
Current UArizona ASPET faculty members are faculty in the College of Medicine and the R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy and include:
- Qin Chen, Pharmacy Practice and Science
- Nathan Cherrington, Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Abhijit Date, Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Thomas Davis, Pharmacology
- Xinxin Ding, Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Frank Porreca, Pharmacology
- Patrick Ronaldson, Pharmacology
- Rick Schnellmann, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy
- John Streicher, Pharmacology
- Qing-Yu Zhang, Pharmacology & Toxicology