UBRP Research Conference

Students present at the 27th Annual UBRP Conference
All UBRP students are expected to share their experimental results at the Annual UBRP Conference. Students are encouraged to invite the members of their research groups, family and friends, and their legislators. The Conference is free and open to all, including high school students, the University of Arizona community, and the general public. This venue oftentimes serves as a starting point for undergraduates to present a poster of their work; many students subsequently present their work at off-campus scientific conferences such as the annual meetings of the Society for Neuroscience, the American Chemical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Biophysical Society Meeting, and others.
As space permits, non-UBRP students may also be permitted present their research at the Annual UBRP Conference; please contact the UBRP Director, Jennifer Cubeta, at cubeta@arizona.edu for more information.