Open only to UBRP students
Active UBRP students are invited to the 2023 UBRP Ethics Retreat, where UArizona faculty and staff will guide participants in exploring “Ethical Decisions in the Gray Areas” through interactive presentations and activities such as:
- Is Health Care A Human Right? by Gail Burd, PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Teaching, and Learning
- Ethical Concerns in Human Subjects Research by Salma Patel, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Animal Studies, Human Decisions by Nicholas Delamere, PhD, Professor of Physiology
- Relationality and Reciprocity in Research with Tribal Nations by Agnes Attakai, MPA, Director of Health Disparities Outreach and Prevention Education for the Arizona Center for Rural Health
The retreat will take place at Biosphere 2 from 8:00am on Thursday, June 8 through 5:00pm on Friday, June 9 and will include an overnight stay and behind-the-scenes tour of Biosphere 2. Since attendance at the UBRP Ethics Retreat is required for new EHS-RISE, new EHS-TRUE, and all NACP students, these students will be able to report time for pay during this event. For all other students, participation in the retreat is entirely voluntary; students cannot count it as time worked for pay, however, there will be no cost to students to participate in the event.
Interested students should submit an application at as soon as possible, but no later than 11:59pm next Thursday, May 25. Space is limited, and applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.